PicoRaman M3
Raman Spectroscopy with real fluorescence rejection
The PicoRaman M3 from Timegate Instruments Oy is the third-generation instrument using the patented Timegated® Raman technology with real fluorescence rejection. PicoRaman M3 spectrometer allows making the most out of Raman spectroscopy, with new applications in the fields of science and industry. It is the only commercial Raman spectrometer capable of time-resolved measurements.
Raman spectroscopy is a very powerful technique for molecular and material characterization in wide application areas due to its beneficial features including intrinsically high molecular specificity, the requirement for minimal or no sample pre-treatment, the ability to measure complex (biological) solutions, immunity to high water content, the flexibility of sampling configurations, and suitability for automation.
Timegated® Raman Technology offers several advantages over conventional Raman spectrometers and opens up enormous potential for the use of this new technology in different application areas.
The M3 was designed for industrial use while the previous generations have been designed for laboratory purposes. The M3 has included the technology to see chemical changes fast and in real-time, online with high accuracy.

Wider application areas than ever
Because of effective fluorescence rejection
Wider operation areas than ever!
Because ambient light and thermal emission do not interfere the measurement
More data than ever!
With combined Raman and time resolved fluorescence data
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ProbePro Mini
The Raman ProbePro Mini product family enables easy and continuous measurement of important process parameters via an optical interface.
Raman ProbePro Mini enables the connection of timed Raman spectrometers to bioreactors for in-situ real-time analysis to track composition and changes in a cell culture medium. The ProbePro Mini solution is designed to be compatible with SCHOTT ViewPort®.

Time-resolved Raman analysis with more representative sampling
Raman SampleCube enables simple, safe and representative measurements with Timegated® Raman. The SampleCube offers sampling from a larger sample surface, limitation of laser exposure to the sample, easy laser focusing and improved eye safety. The SampleCube is compatible with B&W TekBAC 100 series probes or other probes with similar dimensions.

World’s first commercial time-resolved Raman spectrometer add-on
Raman Microprobe is an easy-to-install accessory for all Olympus BX and CX series upright microscopes that combines microscopic analysis with Timegated® Raman spectroscopy. The microscope adapter offers new research possibilities and opens up a wide range of application areas.