JAI LaboACE LC-7080 Plus
Recycling Preparative HPLC
Recycling preparative HPLC is a separation technique that provides a fast and elegant approach to purify mg to gram quantities of starting materials, intermediates and final products. The basic concept is to direct samples post column back to the beginning of the column forming in a closed loop system. When the baseline resolution is achieved, samples are collected. The JAI systems are developed exclusively for this kind of analysis.
LaboACE LC-7080 Plus is the automatic recycling preparative HPLC tool from JAI. It offers operators simple and intuitive event programming. Events such as repeating sample injection, discarding junk peaks, recycling and sample collecting can be setup easily. A new feature, Peak Detection, automatically collects samples when peaks start to show.
From injector to fraction collector, all necessary components are placed in the compact body. It is so compact as A3 size paper (two letter-size papers) that it is easy to set up inside a fume hood or place on a benchtop.
The columns needed to operate the system are also provided by JAI together with the extensive column lineup for a large number of different applications and use cases.

Further System Benefits
- Multiple ways of injection – manual, repeated and stacked
- Peak detection – different trigger modes (peak, time etc.)
- Auto cleanup function – automatic flow channel cleaning
- Reliable solvent delivery – serial double plunger pump
- Right fraction timing – automatic delay time calculation
- Minimized dead volume – prevent baseline shifting
- Compact body – fits into fume hoods
- Event programing function – for injection, collection etc.
- Intuitive operation – operation via large touch panel
- Less solvent consumption – due to recycling operation